We all need a reason to celebrate...

And today's reason is Cinco de Mayo. The full knowledge I have of this holiday is that the Mexican army defeated France in a battle somwhere in Mexico. The end. Sorry Mrs Klein- I didn't pay that much attention in history class. Another reason to celebrate is it's our amazing nutrition specialist, Katie Diehl's (of Diehl Nutrition)  birthday today! Yay Katie! We love you.

Sooo...after my grueling and mentally-exhausting week last week, I have decided that besides doing yoga for 28 days straight (I'm on day 10!)- I need to just get back to focusing on the little wins and the happy-making parts of my day. Regain that staying present mentality and not feel overwhelmed by the zillion things I have to accomplish. I will stop beating myself up over the things I don't accomplish each day- sorry if it takes me a while to email you back or return your call. It's not because I don't value you or your time- its because I literally haven't sat down to my computer until this very moment this week. So my emails and calls are usually all done on the side of the road while delivering or running around to grocery shop or to my kitchen or  what have you. Its not you, its me. But I can't feel like a failure because I didn't fit it all in. Little by little, poco a poco. 

So thanks to the Mexican army of yesteryears, today's reason to celebrate is that it's Friday- you got here, you did it- and Cinco de Mayo! You have every excuse in the book to eat a bucket of guacamole and drink margaritas. Be happy with all the amazing things you accomplished this week and don't sweat over the things you didn't. 

AND then you can work off those lovely treats by joining Jaté Yoga and MaikanaFoods this Sunday, May 7 from 12 to 1pm to practice your namaste and get in the zen. And even more happy-making is the money raised during this class goes straight to the Rowayton Arts Center. Its a total win-win, donate money to a good cause and practice your oms. See the flyer below. Sign up today! 

Don't forget to check out our menu this week. I think its pretty spectacular, but I could be a little bias. There are some yummy combos though and it shouldn't missed! You can place any orders until 3pm for delivery the following the day. Someone asked me last week if they can only order by Sunday. Nope! As long as its 3pm the day before you want it delivered- its coming to ya! And don't forget to add a thermal bag to you order if you won't be home to receive it. It's getting warmer and we want Maikana to stay cool! 

I hope you all have a beautiful, relaxing, spectacular, healthy weekend! 

Jamieson xo