Lessons I learned during the pandemic…

Last week marked the one year anniversary since the pandemic hit. One year of massive change for all of us. One year of learning to be more malleable and accepting of life's major curve balls. I have probably said this before, but I have changed and grown so much this past year. I would not even recognize the person I was a year ago. As difficult as this pandemic has been, I am so grateful for everything it has brought and removed from my table. 


I thought I would share some lessons I have learned this past year. There were so many, I couldn't stop writing, so forgive the length of this. I had more to share so maybe a part two is necessary. 

1.    I’ve learned to stop asking “why me” and ask “why am I attracting this?” It has stopped victimhood and turned it into a lesson. It’s made me re-examine my own actions in the situation and what the universe is asking of me and how I can grow out of this.

2.   I’ve learned that you can love people with all of your being but they owe you nothing in return.

3.   I’ve learned to let go of people- even those I love- who aren’t serving my higher good. If you aren’t contributing to my life in a positive way and/or lifting me up, you’re no longer invited to my table.

4.   I’ve learned that sleep is beyond necessary. I work 80 to 100 hour weeks. I have for years. It’s not sustainable. I do not recommend it.

5.   I learned that I can behave in crappy ways but that doesn’t define me. If I can own it, apologize for it, learn and grow from it- I’m still a good person.

6.   On that note I’ve learned that no one needs to accept your apology. But it’s your job to forgive yourself.

7.   Apologizing and eating crow is not easy. But living in regret is much worse.

8.   You are your biggest critic and your biggest cheerleader. It's up to you who you want to listen to and who you want to tell to shut up.

9.   I’ve learned that outgrowing people or things is not a bad thing- it means no harm to anyone involved- it just happens. We all vibrate at different levels and sometimes those energy levels shift and that is ok.

10. I’ve learned that peace of mind trumps almost every single thing. Do not let anyone or any situation control your peace of mind.

11. I’ve learned to really recognize my weaknesses and ask for help when I’d rather just stick my head in the sand.

12. I've learned that every situation and relationship, familial or otherwise, you act like the child, the adult or the parent. These are all interchangeable depending on the situation and acknowledging your role and your behavior through that lens can help you understand yourself and interactions better.

13. Rejection is difficult and ego crushing, but it doesn’t speak to who you are. But self-abandoning to avoid rejection does.

14. You are your own limitation. You are the only thing standing in your way. Since everything is a possibility- you can change direction and hustle to get there. No one is holding a gun to your head to stay complacent and unhappy.

15. I’ve learned that we all make decisions out of fear or out of love- nothing else. I choose love. What do you choose?

16. Decisions really are a fuck yes or a fuck no. Life is not made to be lived lukewarm.

17. Stop doing shit you hate! Unless it’s taxes, then do your taxes. If you hate your job, quit and figure it out. Life is too short to be surrounded by negative energy.

18. You cannot save someone who is not willing to participate in their own rescue. It is not your job to fix anyone. You are only your own savior, no one else's.

19. Healing is messy and it’s a never-ending project. Be self-forgiving and compassionate during the process.

20. You can (and should) love and no matter the outcome; the focus should not be the reciprocity but the fact that you have the amazing ability to love freely. How beautiful is that!!

21. If you want to say no to something, then abandon your desire to please others. Their possible disappointment is their own issue to deal with. Say NO more often.

22. Loneliness is one of the most difficult feelings. But you are never alone if you have the ability and vulnerability to ask for help. So ask!

23. Your friends are truly your chosen family and I’d never have survived this year without them.

24.  Some people love drama, normally unbeknownst to them- it is your choice to participate or walk away.

25.  Crying is necessary. It is a way to release energy you've been holding onto. Let's normalize crying for all genders.

26. You are responsible for the energy you bring into a room. You are also responsible for the energy you allow into your room.

27. Meditation and breathwork should be taught to every child from a young age. It is a game changer in this high pressure, high stress world we live in.

28. We all participate in confirmation bias- seeking answers to fulfill the narrative you want to believe. It is your job to filter through actual reality vs desired reality.

29. Be honest. Across the board. Life is too short to pretend or bullshit. What’s even the point? To avoid the things we fear or keep situations comfortable? So once again- life is too short, be honest. Be real.

30.   Try to stay present and truly stop taking life so seriously. It will all unfold as it’s supposed to. You cannot control what is meant to be.

31. Your entire life can change in any given moment. In one year your life could look extremely different. So live each day with purpose.

32.  Misery is a choice. Clinical depression is not but misery is. Know the difference.

33. Every single human should be in therapy at some point in their life. You cannot figure out your human depths and healing without some form of therapy.

34. Connect, connect, connect. This life is about connection. And through love. How you connect to others speaks to you. How they connect or disconnect speaks to them. Don’t confuse their connection with yours.

35. Respect is critical. We all have our own thoughts and comfort levels- respect them. To each his/her own. 

36. Human touch is absolutely necessary. Hug and hold the people in your pod tightly.

37. Love will always be the answer. (reread #15) It’s where you should respond from and where you should grow and share from.

38.  Find your joy every single day. Even the shitty days when you want to crawl into bed and hide from the world. Find one moment of joy or gratitude.

39. Start each day with words of gratitude. Say them out loud or write them down. It will really shift your day.

40. Manifest, manifest, manifest! This has truly changed my life.

41. Tell the people that are honored enough to be loved by you that YOU LOVE THEM. Daily. I cannot explain how important it is to be open to sharing your love.

I'd love to hear what you've learned over this past year. Feel free to respond and share. I hope reading this inspired some growth or shift in you. And if anything made you feel uncomfortable or unsure- ask yourself why? Get curious. 

I hope you all have a gorgeous week! Sending you all big love and virtual hugs, 