The Universe is listening...

I don't care what you want to call it- God, Allah, Jehovah, Jesus Christ but to me they all make up what I call "the universe". I believe in God. I pray. But I believe that my God is a watcher of this beautiful universe we live in. And this universe is listening and creating and manifesting the things we want and desire and is constantly showing us signs towards the path our life is intended to be on. I do not know if I fall under the category of a deist but not everything needs a title.

What I believe in is the power and beauty of this universe. I believe it gives us exactly what we need when we need it and even though we sometimes cannot understand the whats and whys of the universe, it all tends to work itself out. As cliched as that notion is, I firmly believe in this. 

I have been through a lot of difficult moments in my life- trying moments that have tested my faith in God and my faith in everyone and everything around me. I have battled depression. I have had my heart shattered. I have contemplated suicide. I have lost very important people in my life. I have failed a million and one times. But every single time that I thought, how can I go on? How can I pick myself up again? Is this what my life is meant to be like? The universe listens and sends me a sign. A kind gesture from a stranger. A thoughtful note from a client. A random phone call from an old friend. A Facebook message from an old classmate. A compliment in my email. A genuine smile and a hello from a passerby. A deep hug from someone I just met. 

I realize that I am constantly surrounded by love. The universe does not let me down. Even in my darkest moments, the universe has pulled through. I trust it in her implicitly. 

If you are feeling lost or questioning your purpose and service to this life, trust in this beautiful world around you. Life has a way of carrying us through to a better outcome. All the hardships to be endured is truly there to teach us lessons. Realize that and learn from them. You are not failing, you are being taught something that will help serve you in the future. 

Be aware of your power to manifest your future. You have a choice every day to walk towards it or away from it. Look for the signs around you. They are there and mostly subtle, but they are waiting for you. 

And above all always remember to be the positive person in someone else's day. You never know who is questioning their faith in this world.